“Über dieser Fuge…”
Structure of The Art of Fugue
The “unfinished” fugue
About the realization
How to listen to The Art of Fugue
About the narratives
The Art of Fugue
Simple Fugues
Contrapunctus I
Contrapunctus II
Contrapunctus III
Contrapunctus IV
Stretto Fugues
Contrapunctus V
Contrapunctus VI
Contrapunctus VII
Double and Triple Fugues
Contrapunctus VIII
Contrapunctus IX
Contrapunctus X
Contrapunctus XI
Mirror Fugues
Contrapunctus XII + inversus
Contrapunctus XIII + inversus
Quadruple Fugue
Contrapunctus XIV
Each part of AOF in the program below has its own page, all arranged identically.
YouTube link: At the top of each page is an embedded YouTube video; click the play button to start it. The image accompanying each video features one of the wonderful sights of the cosmos for your viewing enjoyment, adapted from NASA images or rendered by me, and with a bit of commentary.
Narrative: The narrative below the video will usually have a score excerpt or two, a brief description of the music, and some discussion of why I arranged it the way I did. If you listen to the parts of AOF sequentially, working your way through the contrapuncti and canons, the narratives will spin what I intend as a storylike trip through AOF in particular, and fugues in general. Listening to AOF is, in a way, a journey, so why not?
AOF Threads: The wealth of interesting items in this work invites exploration of common themes via hyperlinks in the manner perfectly suited to Web pages. Therefore, the narrative for any part of the work may have one or more color-coded notes as follows: discussions about musical connections to other parts of the work, commentary on the structure of the cycle, and notes about numerological (gematric) and symbolic references. These notes are accompanied with links to pages about the relevant pieces.