“Über dieser Fuge…”
Structure of The Art of Fugue
The “unfinished” fugue
About the realization
How to listen to The Art of Fugue
About the narratives
The Art of Fugue
Simple Fugues
Contrapunctus I
Contrapunctus II
Contrapunctus III
Contrapunctus IV
Stretto Fugues
Contrapunctus V
Contrapunctus VI
Contrapunctus VII
Double and Triple Fugues
Contrapunctus VIII
Contrapunctus IX
Contrapunctus X
Contrapunctus XI
Mirror Fugues
Contrapunctus XII + inversus
Contrapunctus XIII + inversus
Quadruple Fugue
Contrapunctus XIV
In Contrapunctus II, AOF’s second “simple” fugue, Bach introduced stately dotted rhythms into his subject; here he does the same in the second of the stretto fugues, using the dotted proclivity of the stretto subject throughout this fugue in Stylo Francese.
However, now there’s an additional twist. At the start, you’ll hear the subject from Contrapunctus V in the bass. (Although, as you can see below, it’s inverted from its first entry in Contrapunctus V which, since that entry was itself inverted from the main AOF subject, recovers the regular form of that subject. Get it? Got it! Good.)

However, almost right away you will hear a diminished copy of the subject enter in the soprano:

So now, Bach is upping the ante from mere stretto, to stretto with diminution. Throughout, the subject weaves around its diminished copies in a stately promenade.
Can we up the ante even further? Why, yes! Yes we can. Onward to Contrapunctus VII!